That made even less sense than your other stuff, liked it though. Especially liked the little clips from the other flashes.
That made even less sense than your other stuff, liked it though. Especially liked the little clips from the other flashes.
That was really cool
But I had no idea what was going on at all.
Same here
That was a delightful, and slightly sad song. The reason it is kinda sad is that her "boyfriend" is likely 50 years old in reality, or something.
Wow, that kid's life sucks.....
Good work, couldn't get any better than that.
I enjoyed it.
That was pretty cool, I especially liked the DMC 3 music in the backround, even though it doesn't quiet fit the characters.
Oh and thank you for not having a cop-out, tie or choose your own endings. I think that was quiet refreshing.
This was a pleasantly awesome surprise, I've been waiting for this forever! That has easily the best 8-bit fight scenes ever made!!!!
Not quiet sure what to think of that..... the animation was good but I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the reasoning of the plot here.
And why does she just die in the end like that? Very odd....
Holy O_o......
That was some sickshit and you deserve a cookie for it.
Peanut butter is my favorite, make it happen.
Sony's gonna go Ban....?
Well.......... that made my, well, life.
Simply awesome, especially the 1UP part.
I'm too lazy to do anything today.
wait, what?
Dracula's Castle
Joined on 3/25/08