Impossibly Awsome. XD
Impossibly Awsome. XD
I forgot all about Ristar and Heady! Great job!
"I adore the PS2."
Liked the inclusion of the relatively forgotten Super Emeralds and Hyper Forms from Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Nice Touch.
5 dozen eggs and zappy rays...
It is quiet evident that half or 3/4 of the way through making these videos, Egorapter went insane and did the whole PENIS and DEFEATING ALIENS bits.................priceless.
Just expressing my resptect for all of awsome-ness of all of Egorapter's work.
Still funny after the 5ooth time.
BEST..... VIDEO..... EVER. Nuff-said.
This isn't a half-bad series, in fact its pretty damn good. Am a HUGE fan of Sonic, Super Mario, and DBZ so this works out perfectly for me. Two problems thought one something that's just a little irratating and the other is just me being stupid; 1. The dialog is kinda lame, it's kinda like the initial DBZ-dub dialog which isn't to good. Just spice it up a little with a few more words like "damn", "shit", "bastard", etc... (Jap-DBZ dub seemed to like to use bastard for some reason) aside from just Shadow doing it. Mech-Sonic killed most of Sonic's friends, he's got a right to be a little more pissed, dontcha think? 2. Now for me making a irrelevent observation; Why are those Axem Ranger things composed of character models of Zero, Ciel, and lame old Gutsman? Zero now has the head of a retard noooooooo!........OK I'm done. Seriously though, Great job Alvin and keep up the good work and trunksssj7 can go get hit by a train :D
I'm too lazy to do anything today.
wait, what?
Dracula's Castle
Joined on 3/25/08