That was fun, the singing was off key, but that doesn't really matter.
That was fun, the singing was off key, but that doesn't really matter.
Hop Aboard the Cole Train Baby!
Egoraptor knows that Cole is magical. Just try to see someone down him.... It ain't gonna happen pal.
Interesting but...
Who won?
What the hell did you put in that cake?!?
my cock
Don't do that.
I short of guessed as much.... LOL. The corn is kinda scary, I hope it doesn't give me nightmares.
In your video's you've managed to end them with an awesome quote.
Well now..
That ferret is more twisted then other ferrets I know. Hey, why was Harold sad?
Johnny's like a Ness gone horribly wrong. Feel sorry for the dog, but nice job anyways :)
At a Bee......
When I first saw this I laughed so hard I could not breath.
Super LoL
I'm still laughing over the end!
That was my favorite submission of yours, good job. i liked how the visuals matched up with the music.
I'm too lazy to do anything today.
wait, what?
Dracula's Castle
Joined on 3/25/08